Five Google Home Routines You Need To Try Tomorrow

You’re missing out if you don’t have your Google Home set to do these simple things! A little automation goes a long way.

#1: Wake you up. Google Home has a great and intuitive alarm setting. Just say “Hey Google, set an alarm for 8:00 AM tomorrow.” You can also have it play your favorite music to wake you up. Just tell it to “Set an alarm for 7:00 AM tomorrow that plays Katy Perry.”

#2: Have it tell you a joke. Nothing can break up an awkward silence when the in-laws are around like a mediocre robot comedian. Some of the jokes are pretty good. Give it a try sometime.

#3: Help you get ready for bed. You can set up a bedtime (or wakeup) routine that can trigger a few different events all at once. See our guide for more detailed information, but a simple “Hey Google, it’s bedtime” at the end of the day makes it easy to get ready for bed, especially if you’ve got some little ones to take care of first.

#4: Speaking of bed, you can use your Google Home as a white noise machine as well. You can tell it “Hey Google, help me relax.” or “Play ambient noise”. You also have the option of having it play one of these sounds specifically:

  • Relaxing sounds
  • Nature sounds
  • Water sounds
  • Running water sounds
  • Babbling brook sounds
  • Oscillating fan sounds
  • Fireplace sounds
  • Forest sounds
  • Country night sounds
  • Ocean sounds
  • Rain sounds
  • River sounds
  • Thunderstorm sounds
  • White noise

Just say “Hey Google, Play country night sounds”

#5: You can have your Google assistant remind you of things when you forget. If you want to hide your Snickers bar from yourself, just put it someplace out of sight and say “Hey Google, remind me that my Snickers bar is behind the toaster”. If and when you inevitably forget, you can just ask it. “Hey Google, where is my Snickers bar?.”

Using these techniques will help you get the most out of your Google Home device. Check in later for more connected home information!

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